Virtual Support Groups

Make joining a support group the norm for yourself.

Be honest with me. How often do you find you are not fully expressing how you feel about your life and yourself in fear of unwanted advice or judgment from others? I know I used to! I was trying so hard to fit the “mold” of what society expected of me that I never allowed myself to fully open up. I just kept trudging along. 

This is a circle of mothers and other caretakers who are all living it right now! Find comfort in knowing you are not alone in your maternal journey. Show up as your most vulnerable self and feel the support of others there to hold you. 

The Process:

Allow yourself to take a much-needed break from your day. To allow yourself time for emotional, mental, and spiritual self-care. But, don’t worry, the break isn’t too long! I know you are busy, so our sessions are designed to be short and effective. Each session is no more than 30 minutes with a limit of five (5) participants. 

You can expect to:

Support Group Schedule:

Support groups are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month from 12 - 12:30 p.m. PST.

Session cost is $16.

What You Should Also Know About Me!

I began these virtual support groups in 2020 when I started to feel the effects of a massive void in my life. I felt isolated, alone, and sinking from all of my life’s pressures. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was allowing societal pressures and unrealistic expectations I put on myself to dictate my maternal journey and it caused me to be super unhappy and really resentful. 

I started these sessions because I was at my wits end. I asked a handful of friends to try this out with me; to be open and vulnerable together. At first, we realized it was difficult to just sit and listen because we wanted to “fix” each other’s situations so badly. But quickly started to learn the power of listening. We showed up for each other and we got to say things out loud we never realized we needed to say. It was beautiful and I hope you join us!